Monday, November 25, 2013

Audacity Experiences and Creative Commons

I want to start off by saying that Audacity was VERY easy to download. With minimized steps to get it on one's computer, this could easily be accessed by all. The program simplicity of downloading also is quite simple to use. You can easily add effects by selecting the recording and choosing out of the list of options. The drop down tabs at the top are easily organized and that makes it easy for the user to figure out exactly what to do with the options.

I do find the numbers and charts located on the software a bit confusing. I imagine after using this software for awhile that this would probably become easier to figure out. The foreign words that are located in the bottom left of the screen are also a bit unknown, making the screen a little intimidating for someone who has never used the program.

The Creative Commons is a license non profit organization that allows people to share their work and have others use it without compromising any of it without permission of the maker. In this case, I didn't want others changing my work or using it in commercials so I ended up with attributions-no dervs 3.0 unported. The part of the website where it generated the license was very user friendly. I still feel a little confused when navigating through the different kinds of licenses and copyright laws but know over time that this will become easier to understand.

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